This builder is deprecated and will be removed in 14.00.00
Replace with
Use MoEngage.Builder
Kotlin Style Helper Class to initialise the MoEngage SDK
Umang Chamaria
Instance of Application
App Id from MoEngage Dashboard.
Configuration Push Notification Meta Data. Refer NotificationConfig
Configuration for Firebase Cloud Messaging. Refer FcmConfig
Configuration for HMS Push Kit. Refer PushKitConfig
Configuration for Real Time Trigger Campaign. Refer RttConfig
Configuration for interval after which SDK should retry registering for push token.
Configuration for InApp Campaigns. Refer InAppConfig
Configuration for logs being printed in logcat by the SDK. Refer LogConfig
Configuration for Card Campaigns. Refer CardConfig
Configuration for data syncing with MoEngage Server. Refer DataSyncConfig
Configuration for opting out on default data tracked by the SDK. Refer TrackingOptOutConfig
Optionally set the data-center to which the data should flow.
If you are using MoEngage bundled with any partner integration specify the Partner using this field. Refer IntegrationPartner to know the supported partners. Note: Do not use this API if you are not using MoEngage via any partner as a bundled SDK. Calling this API without using Partner bundle will result in malfunction of the SDK.
Configuration for Network Request. Refer NetworkRequestConfig
Configuration for User Registration. Refer UserRegistrationConfig